October 2017 | The Things We Don't Know




When we visited our feeding program at Endarasha, we had the opportunity to play games with many of the children who had come there for help. One of the games we played tested whether or not we knew which books were in the Bible. One person would shout out a name, and if that was a book in the Bible you would jump up in the air. I was relieved that none of the children jumped on such easy ones as "Bill!", but that they seemed to know their Bible well enough to make it a challenging game for us all!
Along with providing food and life skills, we know it's of infinite importance to also teach the gospel to these children. For nearly all of them, the idea of a loving savior who cares about them in their plight and doesn't leave them there alone, is foreign.
It's something they don't know.
Because they don't know it, it's far from their minds and not a concrete truth they can rely on.
We want them to know it. We want them to feel it and to believe it. That's why we teach it, that's why we show them the truth of scripture and the generosity of you, their brothers and sisters around the world who love Jesus and who support them.
It's the same reason we send you this newsletter every month.
We want you to know the things you don't know.
We want you to know more about the children and communities you are supporting. We want you to grow in your understanding that the children and adults who live in these communities and who love Jesus, they are your brother and your sister. We want you to feel affected by the truth that some in these communities do not know who Jesus Christ is, and we want you to be excited about helping us tell them.
When we pray for the work we are doing in Africa, we pray for another work that we also believe we are doing; the work of helping you understand that God uses people like you to do His work throughout the world.

You are an unceasing blessing to us and to countless people in Eastern Africa.

Thank You





In addition to the work in Limuru and the Misiri Slums, Linus works to train pastors and plant churches throughout East Africa and he and his wife, Liz, have a specific heart for the unreached people groups in Northeastern Kenya.
God has also given Liz a heart for the women in these areas, as well as in their own Misiri Slums. Feed.Teach.Hope. is currently working to build out a specific ministry to help support Liz's efforts with the women of Eastern Africa.
Please continue to pray with us for God's hand in this and watch for news to come soon!