In 2014 a group of us traveled to Kenya. Some to teach and some to help a local pastor and his school for slum children.
On that trip, we met a little girl named Beth. Beth made quite an impression on us as she lingered around while we worked and she kept us company through our time there. One evening we watched this five year old girl leave the school and begin walking home alone through the slums, an area replete with crime, rape, and HIV.
This moment would cause me immense grief and ultimately God would use it to spur my heart to action. For quite some time God has made clear to me his mandate for planting churches and has placed in me a passion for it. I know the importance of it, the infinite worth of it, and the value of the men God calls to do it.
As for Beth, I knew this little girl living in the slums of Kenya was receiving two meals a day, attending a private christian school, and being cared for by a church planter who had planted his church in this very community to minister to adults and to little children like Beth.
A church planter, answering God’s call on his life, who wanted to see the Gospel transform his community, was the reason there was hope for Beth.
God calls men to plant churches. We exist to further that mission.
Throughout Kenya churches are everywhere.
There's no shortage of nonprofit organizations who are involved in helping the country to feed and educate the people. We want to help do that as well. We believe the best way to do this is to support local men who God has called to plant churches so that they can oversee and help these efforts in their communities.
We will continue to establish this stronghold with solid theology delivered through committed pastors who have a heart to see their community transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our goal is to see Kenya changed from a place where the gospel has been misunderstood and misapplied, where Christians are biblically illiterate, where the prosperity gospel thrives and cultural idols are still pursued, to a place where Jesus is worshiped and glory is given to God and God alone.
Our primary mission is to continue to work with our contact in Kenya to plant churches and support the pastors in their work.
We can achieve this with your help.
We can achieve this if churches in the United States are awakened to see that they have family members in Christ, brothers and sisters in Africa, who are struggling and who are in need of help and guidance. They need to see they have fellow pastors who desire to see the hearts of their people and their communities changed just like we do here, but they often lack the things we have in abundance: information, relationship, and financial support.
We have what they need.
We partner churches here in the United States with these church plants in Kenya to provide those things for them. The things they so desperately need.
You can be a part of helping us do this.