At Christlike Academy in the Misiri Slums, our teachers are the real heroes. These wonderful women have worked hard to become certified as teachers in Kenya and have chosen to work at a school in the middle of a slum area so they can teach and instruct children who have little other chance of recieving such care. If you know a teacher, then you know their job is no small task. Teachers often work long hours. For our Kenyan teachers, they work year round, as school in Kenya runs on a three-month-on, one-month-off schedule.
Nearly all of these teachers make their way into the slums by public transportation or their own two feet. They travel from their homes, some of which are very far away, because they want to make a difference in the lives of these children.
Our teachers work hard at their jobs. So hard, that Christlike Academy has a few students who are testing in the top percentage of students in their region.
These are children born and raised in the slums who are out performing children in other high-income areas.
Our teachers love our students and put in extra effort to be sure the children understand the material and are ready for exams.
When you give to Feed.Teach.Hope., you are helping us continue to support all of the operational costs at Christlike Academy, including teacher salaries.
Currently, our teachers have an average income of $80 per month. We are working to be able to raise that considerably because of the hard work and effort they put in for our students.
Would you help our teachers?
We are looking to meet an end of 2016 Goal of obtaining one year of operating costs for Christlike Academy by December 31, 2015. You can read more about it here.
You can be a part of helping us do this.
We'd love for you to be a partner - please join us.
And also, please forward this email to a teacher that you know.
We think they'd be proud to see how they have sisters in another country who are working hard to teach children there, just like they do here.